Sounds from South Park
South Park is an American animated television comedy series about four fourth grade school boys who live in the small town of South Park, Colorado. The series is created and written by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and has been distributed and aired by Comedy Central since 1997. It is known for its blunt handling of current events and its pop-culture parody.
- "Carry On" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Fruit Cake" - | MP3 | WAV
- "I Like To Singa" - | MP3 | WAV
- "I Need to go Poopy" - | MP3 | WAV
- "...Problemo?" - | MP3 | WAV
- "You little trouble makers" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Give us the book fruitcake!" - | MP3 | WAV
- " best friends..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "In the Ghetto..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "*BLEEP* probe" - | MP3 | WAV
- "No Kitty" - | MP3 | WAV
- "*BLEEP* You Hippy" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Nut Sack" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Speaking of pounding *BLEEP*" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Respect My Authoritee" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Tree Huggin' Hippy" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Beef Cake #1" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Beef Cake #2" - | MP3 | WAV
- "kyle's Mom a *BLEEP*" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Happy Birthday." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Kitty." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...dialbated..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Detective Sandy..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...irritable." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Sandy in it's..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...make me some pie!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "...corn beef and cabbage!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "...touched weiners." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...skinny *BLEEP*!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "...*BLEEP* you guys...going home." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...seriously *BLEEP*ed off." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Simultaneously" (song) - | MP3 | WAV
- "THE Barbra Streisand... not since Yentl" - | MP3 | WAV
- "This whole Cracker-*BLEEP* town..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...cracker-*BLEEP* crackers..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Chef's parents story. - | MP3 | WAV
- "She's a CD succubus!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Fall in love." (song) - | MP3 | WAV
- "Uh, from your *BLEEP*, children." - | MP3 | WAV
- Kathy Lee (song) - | MP3
- "Uhh, alcohol is BAD." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Marijuana is BAD." - | MP3 | WAV
- Prank call - "Is Mr. Hat there?" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Just don't let it happen again." - | MP3 | WAV
- "UmmKay!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Bzzzz, wrong. Try again dumbass." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...flaming gas is under control?" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Green Apple Splatter" - | MP3 | WAV
- "And that is what you need to know about the Facts of Life." - | MP3 | WAV
- "*BLEEP* 'em and leave 'em..." - | WAV | WAV
- "...Can't use *BLEEP*." - | MP3 | WAV
- "I can say the word *BLEEP*." - | MP3 | WAV
- "...getting some hot poon." - | MP3 | WAV
- "You wanna make out, or something?" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Piss off, you *BLEEP* *BLEEP*er." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Hey there, *BLEEP*ty, *BLEEP*y, *BLEEP*, *BLEEP*..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Ask Mr. Hat..." - | MP3 | WAV
- "You smell an aweful lot like flowers." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Hiiiiddyy Hoooo!" - | MP3 | WAV
- Christmas Singing - | MP3 | WAV
- Lords of the underworld. - | MP3 | WAV
- Timmy's Note - | MP3 | WAV
- Old McTimmy - | MP3 | WAV
- Timmy Screams - | MP3 | WAV
- "...Thanks a lot Tim Tim." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Sh*t." - | MP3 | WAV
- "How long has it been since your last burn?" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Won't you take me down, to funky town." - | MP3 | WAV
- "We gonna get high?" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Ah man, I have no idea what's going on." - | MP3 | WAV
- "You wanna get high?" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Don't forget to bring a towel." | MP3 | WAV
- "Your a towel!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Well, I'm gonna get a litte high." - | MP3 | WAV
- The South Park Theme - | MP3 | WAV | MIDI
- Grampa - "It's about time you lazy *BLEEP*..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Kyle - "Oh, My GOD. They killed Kenny." - | MP3 | WAV
- Big Gay Al - "I'm super. Thanks for asking." - | MP3 | WAV
- Stan - "Dude, this is pretty *BLEEP*ed up..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Stan - "Yea, whatever you fat *BLEEP*." - | MP3 | WAV
- Airline Pilot - "...there's some interesting *BLEEP*." - | MP3 | WAV
- "They took our jobs." - | MP3 | WAV
- Cartman's Mom - "Hello, boys." - | MP3 | WAV
- "You've got mail..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Bus Driver - "Whaaat the hell is this CRRAAPP!" - | MP3 | WAV