Sounds from Caddy Shack
Arguably the best sports movie ever and certainly the best golf movie, Caddy Shack has been a classic since it was released 1980. Directed by Harold Ramis and written by Brian Murray (Bill's brother), this film is a hilarious look at a young man (Danny Noonan) caddying at a prestigious country club (Bushwood) and his aspirations to attend college. With a great cast of characters including Chevy Chase (Ty Webb), Rodney Dangerfield (Al Czervik) and Bill Murray (Carl Spackler), Caddy Shack has given us classic line after classic line, "so [it's] got that going for [it], which is nice".
Carl Spackler Sound Files
- Carl Spackler - "...hit about a 2 iron." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "What an incredible Cinderella story..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "It's in the hole." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "You got a pool over there?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "Cannonball, cannonball coming." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "???????????" - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "Wait up girls, I got a salami I gotta hide." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - " I got that going for me, which is nice." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "Ahh, he got all of that one." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "...if I kill all the golfers, they're gonna lock me up..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "What's up Doc?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Carl Spackler - "Freeze, gopher." - | MP3 | WAV
Ty Webb Sound Files
- Ty Webb - "Be the ball, Danny." - | MP3 | WAV
- Ty Webb - "nananananana,..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Ty Webb - "Do you take drugs, Danny?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Ty Webb - "This your place Carl?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Ty Webb - "...I didn't do that." - | MP3 | WAV
- Ty Webb - "Nanananana." - | MP3 | WAV
- Ty Webb - "I like you Betty." - | MP3 | WAV
- Ty Webb - "Is this Russia? This isn't Russia, is it?" - | MP3 | WAV
Judge Smails Sound Files
- Judge Smails - "Don't you have homes?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "Well, we're waiting!" - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "...when his shorts aren't to tight in the seat." - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "OK, Pookie do the honors." - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - Laughing - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy." - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "Gambling is illegal at Bushwood, Sir..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "You'll get nothing and like it!" - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "I'll give ya asthma!" - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "Mmmmm?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "...I'm no slouch myself." - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "Sit down Danny." - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "Are you my pal, Mister scholarship winner?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Judge Smails - "How about a Fresca?" - | MP3 | WAV
Spaulding Smails Sound Files
- Spaulding Smails - "What about my asthma?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Spaulding Smails - "Double turds." - | MP3 | WAV
- Spaulding Smails - "Are you gonna eat your fat." - | MP3 | WAV
- Spaulding Smails - "Doodie!" - | MP3 | WAV
- Spaulding Smails - "It's the best man..." - | MP3 | WAV
- Spaulding Smails - "I want a hamburger, no a cheeseburger." - | MP3 | WAV
Al Czervik Sound Files
- Al Czervik - "That's right, it sucks!" - | MP3 | WAV
- Al Czervik - "Somebody step on a duck." - | MP3 | WAV
- Al Czervik - "Fore. I should've yelled two." - | MP3 | WAV
- Al Czervik - "Hey Whitey, where's your hat?" - | MP3 | WAV
- Al Czervik - "Hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid." - | MP3 | WAV
Miscellaneous Sound Files
- Opening Credits - | MP3 | WAV
- Lacey Underall - "My uncle says you have a screw lose." - | MP3 | WAV
- "It's a peach hun." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Fifty bucks the Smails kid picks his nose." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Fifty bucks more says he eats it." - | MP3 | WAV
- "Tanks fur nutin'!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Rat farts!" - | MP3 | WAV
- "Miss it, miss, miss. Noonan! Noonan!" - | MP3 | WAV